When we go out to serve, we build relationships, develop trust and pray with these individuals. With your help, we inspire hope and faith to transform their situation.

Searita ministered at Teen Challenge in London and shared a very honest story of her life that was filled with the encouragement of the great things God can do when we surrender our lives to Him, no matter what pit we find ourselves in. She was a great blessing to the men in our Christian Addictions program. I highly recommend Searita’s ministry for church ministry and outreaches!
Rev. Wayne Flonders
Teen Challenge staff member

Pastor Searita was such a blessing to our ladies at Home of Grace for Women. Her personal testimony and struggle are something that our clients can relate to and, more importantly, respond to the message of hope in Jesus that Pastor Searita shares with them. There were four reports of salvation and surrender to Christ and hearts encouraged by the Word.
We would recommend Pastor Searita share her ministry with those who need a message of overcoming through the power of Jesus. We look forward to having her again on our campus.
Valarie M.
Home of Grace for Women
Hello, my name is Apostle Dr. Barbara Patterson. I am a well-known Apostle in Jacksonville Florida. I had the opportunity to interview Pastor Searita on my talk show, “If Walls Could Talk” on November 23, 2021.
Her testimony of being delivered from crack and living an ungodly lifestyle blessed so many. I received emails, with testimonials. Her views were over 11,000. She truly blessed the KINGDOM and gave hope to Pastors, Parents, and the lost by keeping it real.
We were honored to have her on our show.
To GOD be the GLORY.
Apostle Dr. Barbara Patterson
Jacksonville Florida
Recently, I had the pleasure of accompanying my mother, Pastor Searita Jones while she fulfilled three different speaking engagements in FL. To say I was proud of her is an understatement. Sitting in the audience, I listened as she opened up and was transparent about being addicted to Crack Cocaine and having numerous warrants issued for her arrest. I thought to myself “how can she be so courageous?” The scripture John 8:36 came to mind, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” then I was reminded that’s how she can stand before strangers and not hold anything back because she had been set free by the Son. The stronghold of drug addiction no longer had a grip on her life.
Hearing the handclaps, watching the tears stream down faces and witnessing firsthand individuals stating how she was a blessing to them made me realize my mother is an Overcomer, she’s a Survivor and a Mighty Woman of God. I was able to witness a fearless woman ready to go wherever the Lord sends her to share the journey that prepared her for her purpose.
Not only does she share her journey with churches, treatment centers and groups homes, she and Tim venture out among the marginalized distributing items to the homeless and drug-addicted community forming relationships so others will know and can see what God did for her He can do for them.
Querita Jones
Director, Burning Love Outreach
My name is Iain. I am the drummer and cinematographer at The Lakeside Church in Toronto where I first met Searita Jones. I was approached by her to help create some content for her Burning Love Outreach Ministry.
I joined Searita and Tim on an excursion to Downtown Toronto one bitter cold morning in January 2022. They unloaded a car full of winter supplies like sleeping bags, blankets, clothing items and food and approached a homeless encampment. We discovered young homeless people in tents who were suffering from hyperthermia.
Searita and Tim provided supplies, counsel and prayer for the people living in these terrible conditions they were in. We assisted in rushing one young man who was at the point of freezing to death to the hospital.
Burning Love Outreach has accomplished what few others have for our less fortunate brothers and sisters who have found themselves in very dire situations.
God bless Burning Love Outreach for the tireless work they do.
Iain Green
It was a Saturday afternoon, and I made my way downtown to Queen Street at Moss Park with eagerness and anticipation but also anxiety because I was nervous. Community outreach was not my place/position of comfort and I wondered how I would find a way to contribute and make a difference knowing that. Something was tugging at my heart that I could not, nor did I want to restrain or reject. I left my warm home where I wanted for nothing and arrived at Moss Park where poverty, addiction and homelessness were reflected in young and old, men and women of all ethnic backgrounds living in tents. I remember a beautiful young man (someone’s son is all I kept saying to myself) who was so under the influence of drugs that he could not stand or walk straight but he sat falling off the chair and spoke to us when he could, we prayed for him, and he sat with us for a while. We had a table with care packages so people could come and ask but we also walked that day giving out care packages of necessities. These were things we often unintentionally take for granted every day because there is always a supply or at the very least access for us to get them. While out and about we introduced ourselves and engaged in conversations when welcomed and respected if they are not. What I stood in awe of and reflected on, was the ease with which Pastor Searita struck up a conversation, embraced strangers who from afar you would think were her friends or at the very least friendly. When she would encounter someone who was so unwell in their mental health that they could not be present or engaged she would keep a safe distance and stretch her hand and pray. Her compassion, authenticity and organic way of being/engaging is so beautiful to witness. It’s amazing to observe the different people that came out the day in their element, the grace in their responses and conversations that are but a few quick minutes at times but reflected reciprocity. The greetings, giving props or elbows due to the pandemic, the fleeting smiles or laughter for that moment. Truly we are Jesus’ feet, hands, and voice when we walk, touch, and speak in love. I leave you with this quote that reflects in my opinion God\’s commandment to love our neighbours. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
Leo Buscaglia
Karen M.

What can I say about Burning Love Outreach Ministries? I would say that Pastor Searita Jones, Founder and President of BLO is an amazing woman of God who has a deep compassion for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through sharing her personal journey and testimony with others. By her sharing, we all get to experience how she was able to have a personal encounter with Jesus, which helped turn her life away from her addiction to crack cocaine and perceived life of crime due to warrants for her arrest.
This factor was very evident when Searita and her husband Tim spoke at our annual Heart 2 Soul 2022 community festival this past summer. She was our guest speaker who had the crowd riveted by her story, and some moved to tears. Watching her minister to people after her talk was powerful in itself.
I also witnessed young children and youth mesmerized by her compelling testimony when she spoke at our Seeds of Hope Summer Camp in August 2022. Many campers could relate to a certain extent as they thought about family members struggling with addictions. Even some of the Camp Counsellors had many questions for Searita after her presentation. This could only mean that her story prompts people to reflect on their own life and want to make a positive change in their own lives, whatever their struggles and challenges.
I would recommend Pastor Searita Jones and her team from Burning Love Outreach to speak to any not-for-profit organization, company, church, or group of any kind. I can appreciate how the gospel of Jesus is woven into the talk by showing the true transforming power of what Jesus did for Searita in overcoming her addictions and allowing for true change in her life. Her love and compassion for people are obvious when she speaks and how she gives so much of herself afterward. This love is also extended to the homeless community at large in her outreach to provide food, clothing, and resources to the marginalized and disenfranchised homeless population in Toronto. So that is what I would say about Burning Love Outreach Ministries, yet there are not enough good words.
Judith Otto
Youth Unlimited (TYFC)

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